Controlling Motors Using Data from Accelerometer and Gyroscope

Data streams from the Arduino containing live position data (6 axis: 3 angular orientations from gyroscope, and 3 accelerations which can be integrated to determine positions - note this does have an associated drift error that increases with time and need recalibration according to the Designing VR Systems books chapter 8?)

This paper has a lot of the maths I think willl be useful to create a rotational inertia generator:


Accelerometer data can be converted into position based data using Runge-Kutta Integration or Euler Integration (Runge Kutta is computaionally a bit more expensive, but numerically more accurate (see section 8.3 of LaVille)

In-game Event Detection

Need a way for events detected in Unity to trigger the right responses to be sent out to the Arduino.

Destructive Interference of Angular Momenta

To create a secondary vibrational feedback - novel idea, have not seen it in literature!

Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 01.55.30.png


look at the references of the 3DoF paper above for inspiration (here: Design, Analysis and Preliminary Validation of a 3-DOF Rotational Inertia Generator * | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore)

Development and Experimental Validation

of a Haptic Compass Based on Asymmetric Torque Stimuli

Paper here (IEEE Xplore Full-Text PDF:)