Before making new worlds, be sure to download the VR World 1 back up from Google drive, which is the default headset/motor communication script template that I made.

Rocky Planet

Rocky/windy Planet with high gravitational field and wind currents, so its hard to turn head or lift arms.

Could have a boulder fall in the distance and the shock wave send a brake signal to the motor.

Collision Detection

This can be achieved using by adding colliders to the relevant objects. Sphere colliders were used as they are by design the most computationally inexpensive (here)


Museum/Exhibit Guidance system

A system that turns the motor on when the user I looking at or moving towards an area they are not supposed to. Turn on motor only when they’re more than 10-15 degrees sway from where they are supposed to be looking at. Linearly/quadratically/exponentially increase motor speed the further away the look.]

Use this tutorial:


increase motor speed (linearly?) as user draws back arm.

Maybe add breaking effect and heaviness for when user gets shot.

Ship / Raft Simulation

This paper Microsoft Word - 162-ha63c3cufe_M5_.doc (

or is that too much vection?